12 September 2013

The Essence Of A Broken Heart

Good Morning Fellow Readers And Writers!

In my current WIP, Julianna, my heroine, must suffer the turbulent emotions of a broken heart.  Capturing the essence of heartbreak with words is a mighty endeavor...lol.  Each of us experiences this pain differently based on personality, past experience, world-view, and concurrent circumstances!  If all else in life is going along smashingly, a broken heart is merely one negative amid much happiness; however, in poor Julianna's journey she must face what she believes to be her family's betrayal and abandonment as well.  Conjuring these volatile emotions and capturing them within words is the challenge of the week for this author.  

Has your heart ever been broken?  What emotion(s) prevailed?  What brought you peace and enabled you to move forward?  Feel free to share the good, bad and ... downright ridiculous!  (And a dark sense of humor is welcome, too! Ha!)

While I subscribe to this way of dealing with a broken heart...my heroine will take a much different approach.  Enjoy a blast from the past with White Lion's Broken Heart...

 Wish me success as I head off to Nadja's World  (my best loved writing spot)...and explore The Essence Of A Broken Heart.

 ~ Nadja


  1. One thing I've learned about the capacity to love is the overall strength of our hearts to mend and love again. Overcoming a broken heart takes time, but it puts us back in a place to love again. Not to be too sappy, but each love that comes into our life teaches us something and brings us moments of happiness. When it breaks, we have to hold onto those moments. Healing takes time, and there are so many feelings we have to go through. At the end of the day, I want to always believe in love and the heart prevailing!

    1. Tia,

      That is a beautiful picture of love, heartbreak and loving again. Thank you for sharing! I'm a confirmed optimist...lol...so I believe love will always win the day in the end, too.

  2. When I love, I love hard. I give way more than I tend to realize. So heartbreak comes on hard as well. I am an emotional eater so chocolate is a go-to for heartbreak. Tears in the middle of the night just because.
    Lots of self-doubt wondering what I did wrong or could have done differently.
    It's a painful place. But I try not to stay there for long. Life must go on...and so do I.

    1. Angela! I want to grab you up and hug the daylights out of you! I love to give and take care of people too! It does more for me than it does for them...lol. But that can hurt sometimes. I recently read a beautiful quote by Mother Theresa...It basically says people may not love in return. Love anyway. People may take advantage. Give anyway. People may be bitter or envious of you. Be happy anyway. Your best may not be enough for some. But do your best anyway. For in the end, it is between you and
      G-d. It was never between you and them anyway. It is one of the wisest things I've heard.
      Thanks for sharing!

  3. Tia and Angela both said things I wanted to say, so I don't have much to add. I agree with Tia that are hearts can be strong with a huge capacity to love...more than once. But, like Angela, I have always loved hard, so my broken hearts have been bad.

    I think my faith has gotten me through broken hearts and other of life's pitfalls.

    1. Our hearts, not "are" hearts. LOL

  4. Feeling your *typo hatred*...hahah! I recently had to post a correction on Facebook of a similar nature. Sigh...

    As for our hearts - faith is the only reason I can look back and see that while a broken heart hurts, I managed to get through it, humor intact. I must also mention that my family doesn't *do* sadness well....we have a short, good cry and then - the fun begins. They will make you laugh...hard...even if you don't want to when they start off. Dark hilarity is our specialty. Hmmm...I will have to post about this someday. We've laughed our way through the darkest times.

  5. I love exploring those types of emotions in writing - sometimes it's even more interesting when characters reacting the opposite way to the paths I'd choose!

    1. I agree, Deniz! Julianna will react quite differently than I would ever dare! It's an adventure to allow her to express herself so...so...abundantly. LOL.
      Have a great day!

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